Maintaining a financially solvent city
Predictably, Emeryville is experiencing a budget shortfall due to the pandemic economic downturn. I will continue with the financially responsible policies the council has been practicing along with exploring opportunities to expand our tax base to ensure Emeryville has a diversified revenue stream.
Safe & Clean Emeryville
Our City is blessed to have an abundance of local parks, open spaces, and business corridors. I’ve fought to ensure these spaces are well-protected and preserve our natural environment. And with rampant retail theft and smash and grabs – Emeryville’s business corridors must remain safe for residents, visitors, and small businesses. As Mayor, I’m invested in maintaining 911 emergency response services, addressing blight, and preserving our local gems.
Addressing Homelessness
As Mayor, I’ve worked to address the root causes of homelessness, while collaborating closely with neighboring cities and community-based organizations to craft comprehensive plans to prevent homelessness and quickly re-house individuals already experiencing homelessness. As a small City, I’ve advocated for Emeryville’s fair share of County and State resources, so that we’re not overlooked.
Increasing Affordable Housing
Emeryville has made great progress with our below market rate housing program. I’ve been a strong voice on the Council to increase the level of deeply affordable housing available and incorporating additional alternative housing models such as accessory dwelling units and community land trusts to expand opportunities for families and individuals with fixed incomes to live in our city.
Protecting Public Transit, Cyclists, & Pedestrians
Whether your busing, biking, or walking – you should arrive efficiently and safely. That’s why I’ve safeguarded Emeryville residents’ reliance on public transit and, and championed adding 16 miles of safe bicycle and pedestrian paths. I’ve developed effective relationships with local transit agencies to advocate for expanded transit service needs in our community. And I will continue to ensure delivery of Emery-Go Round service, which hundreds of residents rely on.
Empowering small business owners
As Mayor, I have worked alongside business owners, community members, council members, and staff to implement a rebranding campaign for Emeryville to re-establish ourselves as not just a shopping, tourist, and entertainment destination, but also a desirable and successful location for businesses. We are actively identifying and removing barriers to open businesses and focusing on increasing the amount of small businesses within the city.